Saturday, August 02, 2008


Dad, Jess and Me in the wedding car doing a test drive.
March was the month of Jessie and Ayden's fab wedding! We all got together at the farm for the beautiful day, I wont presume to compete with Ben's photos by posting any and besides what we all experienced cannot be portrayed by a few photos on my blog! But it was an unforgetable day which was the result of months of hard work and planning.
Moving on.... Sami and Doro were there on the farm for the big day and about a week besides, Sam got to go fishing with Mehdi and Blacker. He caught the biggest fish ever, and they also got a few tuna.Doro caught a fish too... (you may need to zoom in)
Fishing at Digman's Creek Here's me and Mehdi at the Tilba Winery!This is Mum, Gran, Sam, Doro, Jess and me tasting the tilba wine. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all, nah just kidding. It wasn't too bad actually but I wont say what Blacker said about it!

Mum and I at Paul and Anna's
Playing Kelly pool at Paul and Anna's

A couple of days after the wedding it was time to think about going home.

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