Thursday, September 18, 2008


Lunch from the deli.

A quick espresso.
Mehdi at the Bocca de la Verita (the mouth of truth) if you tell a lie it will bite your hand off!
Carefull Mehdi!

The Fontana di Trevi... SO beautiful!

Mehdi and I at the Fontana

Eating again!

Mehdi and I had lunch in an Alsace restaruant on the Champs Elysee on our last trip to Paris.
Here's Mehdi looking pretty tired (long day for us), food was great tho!

Fresh oysters still with seaweed on them!?

Come Fly with Me!

Mehdi and I have been flying lots and lots together so here are a few pics of life on duty!This is a pic on the ground staff pushing my Lambo into the cargo hold. Carefull fellas that's a custom paint job!

A view of the 1st Palm Island taking off from Dubai.

This is me on our way to Khartoum, Sudan.

Me and Baaly after landing in Dubai.

Mehdi sorting out the newspapers on ground in Rome.


Mehdi said that I have to put this on the blog! So here I am playing with Mehdi's new toy!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Happy Brithday Mehdi!

It was Mehdi's Birthday on the 28th, we were in Paris.
We woke up early, had a nice breakfast in the hotel and headed into the city

Here we are on top of the Galleries Lafayette Building. After a little bit of shopping we had mussles and chips for lunch at Leon de Bruxelles (no idea how to spell!).

Sunrise at 34,000ft, on the way back to DXB.

Mehdi and I just before landing in DXB, coming back down to earth!

The next day after we arrived in DXB, we went for a 60km quad desert safari, early in the morning. It was still pretty hot (even at 6am) but we had heaps of fun and the desert is so beautiful at that time of the day!

Here's Mehdi taking a quick drink break on his 450cc yamaha before taking on that sand dune (I'm serious!).

Me looking fabulous at the crack of dawn.... "So where's the on button?"