Monday, March 02, 2009

Josie EM Hogan 1 mth old!

I had a BNE trip at the end of Feb. I went to stay at Jessie and Ayden's for a couple of days (in between Aukland) Here's Josie asleep in the washing basket on Grandma's blanket. I can't believe how much she's grown already! She's got big blue eyes just like Mum and Dad!
Here she is in a singlet that Ellie (Mum) embroidered with little bees and three little porcelaine elephants that Aunty Gail gave to Ellie when Jess was born.
Holding hands with Mum! Aww.....
Fast asleep in a little outfit that Ellie sent down with Mum's teddy.

1 comment:

Ayden, Jess, Josie and Barkiss said...

Hi Brooke and Mehdi, yes thought you were getting a bit slack on the blog front! Great photo's! Thanks so much for taking those lovely photo's of Josie - it's so nice to have beautiful ones that we can treasure forever! Josie is very lucky to have the best aunty ever! Hope you keep the posts coming more frequently! Love AJJ&B