Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beijing 2009

Mehdi and I went to Beijing this month, which was a little cold but all sunny skies!
We hired a car (with driver) for the day went to the Forbidden City and Tianamen Square and the Great Wall.... Here are some pics of Lovers in Beijing xxx

Me in the car on the way to the Forbidden City

The outer walls and moat, we walked most of the perimiter.

Inside the forbidden city there were heaps of tourist groups but they seemed to be mostly regional. You can see them here wearing matching hats or jackets.

Me at the wal

Mehdi on Mongol Patrol

One last look at the wall.

1 comment:

Ayden, Jess, Josie and Barkiss said...

Wow, amazing photo's of the wall! You're so lucky! I bet you're loving the tips together! You have to make it home soon - It's been ages - or feels like it to me!
Much love and many kisses
The Hogans