I created this blog because my fiance, Mehdi, is moving overseas on the 13th of April 2006. We will continue to update this blog so that our family and freinds can drop in and catch up! and we can keep in touch too!
Here we are at the lookout (I really like my new glasses).
Mehdi on the Vaparetto (water bus), on our way to the hotel.
Me in the St Marcs Square (pigeon mecca!).
A side 'street'.
Mehdi with the mother of all Landies! Take that Big Pineapple! (it's a cafe!!)
'What do you mean you can't make it a monster truck!?'
'Daddy, I want the BIG one.' The world smallest *!@?, I mean the worlds largest truck! It's custom built by dodge, inside the tray is an appartment and it tows HH's scale built globe shaped carravan into the desert, duh? You can see a ute parked under it and the original and toy size in front.
The next day at the waterfront, where we had GREAT fish and chips.
We will definately be going back to Capetown!
Me in the car on the way to the Forbidden City
The outer walls and moat, we walked most of the perimiter.
Inside the forbidden city there were heaps of tourist groups but they seemed to be mostly regional. You can see them here wearing matching hats or jackets.
Me at the wal
Mehdi on Mongol Patrol
One last look at the wall.
Doro, Ingrid and I.