A quick espresso.
Carefull Mehdi!
The Fontana di Trevi... SO beautiful!

Mehdi and I at the Fontana
I created this blog because my fiance, Mehdi, is moving overseas on the 13th of April 2006. We will continue to update this blog so that our family and freinds can drop in and catch up! and we can keep in touch too!
Mehdi and I at the Fontana
A view of the 1st Palm Island taking off from Dubai.
This is me on our way to Khartoum, Sudan.
Mehdi sorting out the newspapers on ground in Rome.
Here we are on top of the Galleries Lafayette Building. After a little bit of shopping we had mussles and chips for lunch at Leon de Bruxelles (no idea how to spell!).
Sunrise at 34,000ft, on the way back to DXB.
Me looking fabulous at the crack of dawn.... "So where's the on button?"